
Friday, 31 July 2015

Discovery Time

Discovery Time on a Friday.

Today we joined Room 2 with their Discovery Time.  Discovery Time is when there are a range of activities, challenges and art ideas set up in both Rooms 2 and 5 and the children are able to select where they want to be, what activity they want to be doing and with which of their peers they want to play/interact with.  This type of learning is so important.  It allows the children to develop their cross competency skills and attitudes, all whilst being involved in play.  At the end of Discovery Time all children are encouraged to share what they were involved with and if there was an end product to display, to proudly share this with their class.  

One visitor to our classroom on Friday turned to me and said (amongst the noise and excitement) "This is what real learning looks and sounds like - what a fantastic scene to witness".  He made my day!


  1. I like your learning room 5 from aimee

  2. That looks really exciting Room 5!

    I wonder if you would like to visit Room 10 one day to see what we are learning?

    Mr A

    1. Kaitlyn says Thank You Mr Anderson we would LOVE to come up to Room 10 and see you all one day.

    2. Kaitlyn says Thank You Mr Anderson we would LOVE to come up to Room 10 and see you all one day.
