
Friday, 31 July 2015

Discovery Time

Discovery Time on a Friday.

Today we joined Room 2 with their Discovery Time.  Discovery Time is when there are a range of activities, challenges and art ideas set up in both Rooms 2 and 5 and the children are able to select where they want to be, what activity they want to be doing and with which of their peers they want to play/interact with.  This type of learning is so important.  It allows the children to develop their cross competency skills and attitudes, all whilst being involved in play.  At the end of Discovery Time all children are encouraged to share what they were involved with and if there was an end product to display, to proudly share this with their class.  

One visitor to our classroom on Friday turned to me and said (amongst the noise and excitement) "This is what real learning looks and sounds like - what a fantastic scene to witness".  He made my day!

Friday's Weather.

Friday's Weather.

Today it is sunny with a bit of cloud.

There are 4 children in Room 5 today.

We are having discovery this morning with Room 2.

We have had an awesome week with heaps and heaps of learning.

Thursday, 30 July 2015

Thursday's Weather

Today is Thursday.

It is sunny and cloudy today.

We have 5 children in our class today.

We have 1 boy.

We have 4 girls.

Elsie is visiting us today.

Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Week 2 Notice to Parents

Week 2 Term 3

What a busy busy week in Room 5.
The children’s individual blogs are in the process of being created.  You can subscribe to their blog with your e-mail address.  Any updates on their blog will be sent to your e-mail. The children’s blogs are a work in progress so please bear with us as we learn along with your child.
Please feel free to come into the class in the mornings before nine and let your child celebrate their learning with you.  We now have some artwork on the walls and the children would love to share their stories in their writing book with you.
We have had visits from our new children that will be starting soon.  We are excited to meet new friends as our class grows.
Today we went to the kindy for a visit.  Check out the smiles on our faces!


Wednesday's Weather

Today it is cloudy with a little bit of sun.

We have 5 children in our class today.
Elsie is visiting us today.

We have 1 boy in our class today.
We have 4 girls in our class today.

We are going to visit the Kindy today and see all the children who are coming to join us in Room 5 this year.

Tuesday, 28 July 2015

Tuesday's Weather

Today the weather is cloudy.

We have a visitor in Room 5 today.
Joel came to visit.

In our class today we have 5 children.

We have 2 boys.

We have 3 girls.

Monday, 27 July 2015

Monday's Weather

Today it is raining.

We have 4 people in Room 5 today.

We have 1 boy in Room 5.

We have 3 girls in Room 5

We have a duck outside our classroom, he must like the wet rain.
We have a Pukeko outside our classroom too!

Friday, 24 July 2015

We did it!

Where did week one go?

What a fabulous week we had in Room 5 this week!  Mrs Johnson and I are so very very lucky to have such happy, self assured children who are trying everything we ask them to.

We have writing in our up on the walls...and daily updates on our class blog - we are awesome!

Best of all we all looked after each other this week and filled up our buckets with pom poms by using nice manners, caring for each other, speaking kind words and lots and lots of smiles.

Roll on week two!

Friday Weather

Our weather today is cloudy.

There are 4 people in our class today.

There are 0 people away today.

We have 1 boy in our class today.

We have 3 girls in our class today.

Thursday, 23 July 2015

Thursday Weather

Our weather today is Sunny and  Frosty.

There are 4 people in our class today.

There are 0 people away today.

We have 1 boy in our class today.

We have 3 girls in our class today.

Wednesday, 22 July 2015

Fill your bucket.

Fill your bucket in Room 5

How do you feel when your bucket is full?
How do you make sure other people have a full bucket?

What on earth are we talking about to Room 5 children?

In this blog we are  sharing with you our class reward system we will use in 2015 - interweaving the language of our Key Attitudes:
Open mindedness

We are using buckets and Pom Poms in Room 5 to show the children how important it is to use Manners, Help Others, Respect each other and our environment, and generally feel good about ourselves. When we see or do these behaviours we can give the child a pom pom to place in their bucket or someone else's. When our buckets are full we can see we are doing the right thing... and we feel HAPPY.

This is a colourful, fun way to learn how to enjoy and care for our class mates.

Wednesday's statistics.

Our weather today is  Frosty.

There are 4 people in our class today.

There are 0 people away today.

We have 1 boy in our class today.

We have 3 girls in our class today.

Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Why do we blog at Frankley School?

Hi there Room 5 followers.

Very shortly, the dynamic duo will  be setting up your child's individual blog. This is a place for them to showcase their learning activities.  It provides an opportunity for family who may not be able to just pop into class to see what we are up to in Room 5. 
It is a learning blog.  
It shows achievement and learning over time.  
We welcome positive quality comments that:

  • Compliment the learner.
  • Make a connection to the topic.
  • Ask a question to encourage conversation and further thought.
We are very aware of cyber safety and we can assure you all posts/blogs will be carefully monitored.
Have a look at the 'Hectors World' link (highlighted words here).  This site provides information about being a Digital Citizen.  We will be using this site to explain the importance of being a Digital Citizen  to our students in Room 5 as it is a fun, interactive page that can be easily understood by children, with teacher and parent guidance.  

What can you do?

Please subscribe to follow your child's blog.  Take the time to look at their blog when something new is posted and chat with them about their quality learning. Add a comment to their post, so they can see you are celebrating their learning journey. 

This is a new and exciting journey for us as well and we are learning along with your child.  If you have any questions or assistance to give BOTH will be gratefully accepted!

Many Thanks
Tina and Wendy.

Thursday, 16 July 2015

Term 3 begins.

Welcome to Room 5!

We are excited to be part of your child’s learning journey.  Your child has two teachers, Wendy Parkes and Christina Johnson.
Christina will be teaching on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, Wendy on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.  Wednesday is a very important day in Room 5 as your child’s teachers will be communicating, planning, evaluating and sharing, to ensure the transition from one teacher to the next is seamless.  

Our big focus for Room 5 is the learning of Literacy and Numeracy.  Your support at home with daily reading will be fundamental with your child’s progress in these areas.  Your child will bring home a reader every school evening.  Maths can be supported with simple board games, cooking and counting at home.

For the first two weeks, our class topic will be “Fill your bucket”.  This is a programme that emphasises the Key Attitudes of  Frankley School:
Open mindedness
Your child may start to talk at home about how we can  ‘fill their bucket’.  Please take the time to discuss with them how this can occur at home as well.

Our library day is Wednesday.  Please make sure your child has their library books returned to school and placed in the blue box in our classroom either on or before Wednesday morning.  

Your child will participate in a programme called PMP.  This is a programme that helps to develop motor skills which in turn will help your child learn in the classroom.  This takes place on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings.  We would appreciate if girls did not wear stockings on these days.

Our class is a shoe free zone to children!  Please feel free to send slippers or socks to be worn in the classroom, they can be kept at school.  Our cleaners appreciate this!

We are really excited about getting technology up and going in Room 5.  We are however waiting for our i pads and new computers to arrive, but in the meantime we are getting started with our very own class blog.  You can find us at  Please subscribe on the blog to receive blog updates - so you can be right up to date with what is happening in Room 5.  All information for parents will shared both on the blog and in a paper copy which will be placed in your child’s bookbag.

We understand that this a very important time in your child’s life and you may both be feeling a little tentative.  We are both mothers of young children and we understand this.  It is our role to ensure your child makes a smooth transition to school.  If you child is tearful in the mornings it is best that when the bell goes you give your child a reassuring hug and leave.  We will always follow this up with a quick phone call later in the morning.

We can be contacted with these email addresses: and  Also a note in the notebook that goes home daily will always be seen.

We look forward to working with you and your child in this exciting step in their education.

Many thanks
Tina Johnson and Wendy Parkes.

Wednesday, 15 July 2015

Not long now!

Wow can you believe it!  Only a few more sleeps and the dynamic duo of Mrs Tina Johnson and Mrs Wendy Parkes will be opening the doors to the fantastic learning environment in Room 5 at Frankley School!