Welcome to Room 5!
We are excited to be part of your child’s learning journey. Your child has two teachers, Wendy Parkes and Christina Johnson.
Christina will be teaching on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, Wendy on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Wednesday is a very important day in Room 5 as your child’s teachers will be communicating, planning, evaluating and sharing, to ensure the transition from one teacher to the next is seamless.
Our big focus for Room 5 is the learning of Literacy and Numeracy. Your support at home with daily reading will be fundamental with your child’s progress in these areas. Your child will bring home a reader every school evening. Maths can be supported with simple board games, cooking and counting at home.
For the first two weeks, our class topic will be “Fill your bucket”. This is a programme that emphasises the Key Attitudes of Frankley School:
Open mindedness
Your child may start to talk at home about how we can ‘fill their bucket’. Please take the time to discuss with them how this can occur at home as well.
Our library day is Wednesday. Please make sure your child has their library books returned to school and placed in the blue box in our classroom either on or before Wednesday morning.
Your child will participate in a programme called PMP. This is a programme that helps to develop motor skills which in turn will help your child learn in the classroom. This takes place on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings. We would appreciate if girls did not wear stockings on these days.
Our class is a shoe free zone to children! Please feel free to send slippers or socks to be worn in the classroom, they can be kept at school. Our cleaners appreciate this!
We are really excited about getting technology up and going in Room 5. We are however waiting for our i pads and new computers to arrive, but in the meantime we are getting started with our very own class blog. You can find us at 2015frankleyroom5.blogspot.co.nz. Please subscribe on the blog to receive blog updates - so you can be right up to date with what is happening in Room 5. All information for parents will shared both on the blog and in a paper copy which will be placed in your child’s bookbag.
We understand that this a very important time in your child’s life and you may both be feeling a little tentative. We are both mothers of young children and we understand this. It is our role to ensure your child makes a smooth transition to school. If you child is tearful in the mornings it is best that when the bell goes you give your child a reassuring hug and leave. We will always follow this up with a quick phone call later in the morning.
We look forward to working with you and your child in this exciting step in their education.
Many thanks
Tina Johnson and Wendy Parkes.